STATMed Boards Prep Platforms

We offer 2 platforms designed for medical students or doctors who self-identify as “bad test-takers" - The STATMed Boards Test-Taking Workshop and The STATMed Boards Reboot Camp. In both, we teach you how to read the question the right way every time and we work with you to identify and change your bad test-taking habits so that your testing reflects what you actually know. See the breakdowns below to identify which program is right for you!

The STATMed Boards Test-Taking Workshop

The workshop is a combination of on-demand video lectures, live online one-on-one meetings, and homework using your own practice questions. By the time you are done, you will know what you’ve been doing wrong — and how to fix it.

The STATMED Boards Test-Taking Workshop

A combination of on-demand video lectures, live online one-on-one meetings, and homework using your own practice questions. By the time you are done, you will know what you’ve been doing wrong — and how to fix it.

The STATMED Boards Reboot Camp

Our Reboot Camp combines elements from our STATMed Study Skills class and our entire Boards Test-Taking Workshop to address boards prep in 2 ways; the study side and the test-taking side of the equation. 

Both platforms are flexibly designed to fit into busy lives and prepare med students and medical pros for a variety of medical boards exams. 

Ready to Get Started?
Schedule an Interview!

Or contact us to learn more!

Do any of these sound like you?

I do great clinically, but I can’t translate what I know to exams.
I always narrow it down to two and then pick the wrong one.
I read the explanation and then realize I should have gotten it right.
I miss or distort key clues and don’t trust myself.
I constantly make impulsive errors! How can I just slow down?
I’m always running out of time rushing to catch up.

Take A Deeper Dive To Learn All About

The Boards Workshop & The Reboot Camp

Take A Deeper Dive To Learn All About

The STATMed Boards Workshop


Take A Deeper Dive To Learn All About

The STATMed Boards Reboot Camp

We can help!

One-On-One Instruction

Our live one-on-one meetings form the backbone of the workshop. Each meeting as a specific objective. Your instructor will be with you every step of the way in these meetings, teaching you the next steps in the STATMed sequence, answering your questions, and providing detailed feedback to your homework. We dig deep to figure out what exactly you are doing wrong and how to fix it.


With On-Demand Video Lectures

In conjunction with one-on-one meetings, a series of on-demand videos delineate the fundamentals of the STATMed Process, illustrate patterns of test-taking issues and their solutions, and provide deep dives into specific topics to improve your mastery of The STATMed Test-Taking Process.

On Your Schedule

We know you are very busy. The workshop’s modular design works around your schedule, be it clinical rotations, work, or life. We only schedule the first few meetings up front, then schedule the rest as we go. This flexible scheduling will optimize your experience with the workshop.


Using Your Practice Questions

Every one-on-one meeting ends with a specific homework assignment using specific STATMed tools. You will select the questions you will use on the homework from your own question bank of choice. This guarantees that you are using relevant questions, making the workshop infinitely more valuable to you.

We can help!


One-On-One Instruction

Our live one-on-one meetings form the backbone of the workshop. Each meeting as a specific objective. Your instructor will be with you every step of the way in these meetings, teaching you the next steps in the STATMed sequence, answering your questions, and providing detailed feedback to your homework. We dig deep to figure out what exactly you are doing wrong and how to fix it.


With On-Demand Video Lectures

In conjunction with one-on-one meetings, a series of on-demand videos delineate the fundamentals of the STATMed Process, illustrate patterns of test-taking issues and their solutions, and provide deep dives into specific topics to improve your mastery of The STATMed Test-Taking Process.

On Your Schedule

We know you are very busy. The workshop’s modular design works around your schedule, be it clinical rotations, work, or life. We only schedule the first few meetings up front, then schedule the rest as we go. This flexible scheduling will optimize your experience with the workshop.


Using Your Practice Questions

Every one-on-one meeting ends with a specific homework assignment using specific STATMed tools. You will select the questions you will use on the homework from your own question bank of choice. This guarantees that you are using relevant questions, making the workshop infinitely more valuable to you.

Pricing and Details

Pricing and Details

Here's how to sign up for the STATMed Boards Test-Taking Workshop:

  • Interview

    We always start with a phone interview to answer your questions, hear your story, and make sure you and the workshop are a fit.

  • Apply

    Fill out the Boards Workshop application before or after the interview; the more we know, the better we can help you!

  • Schedule the First One-On-One Meeting

    We get the first meeting locked in before paying, then schedule the rest as we go.

  • Pay

    Once scheduled, you pay for the workshop via an invoice emailed to your inbox.

Here's how to sign up for the STATMed Boards Workshop:

  • Interview

    We always start with a phone interview to answer your questions, hear your story, and make sure you and the workshop are a fit.

  • Apply

    Fill out the Boards Workshop application before or after the interview; the more we know, the better we can help you!

  • Schedule the First One-On-One Meeting

    We get the first meeting locked in before paying, then schedule the rest as we go.

  • Pay

    Once scheduled, you pay for the workshop via an invoice emailed to your inbox.

Ready to Get Started?
Schedule an Interview!

Or contact us to learn more!

Become a Better Test-Taker — the STATMed Way


Learn how to recognize a "puppy kicker" right away and become a better test taker. Read more »


Bad test-taking is usually part of a hidden pattern.  Read more »


Retrieval practice is the single most important skill for improving medical study skills. Read more »