The STATMed Boards Reboot Camp
The STATMed Reboot Camp is our comprehensive boards prep platform for those who want to do everything they can to pass written boards on their next attempt.
This platform addresses the STUDY SKILLS SIDE of boards re-study AND the complete test-taking rebuild of the STATMed Boards Workshop all in one package.
MAIN LOGISTICS: The Reboot Camp is $2600 (with flexible payment options), and utilizes small groups, with one-on-one elements. Each Reboot is only offered a few times per year, with limited seats and its own unique schedule. Please note - sessions may fill up before they are posted, so reach out any time!
Two March Reboot Camps are IN PROGRESS.
Currently enrolling for upcoming camps.
To schedule an interview or learn more about an upcoming reboot camp, click here.
Completely redesigns how you:
- Approach the test-taking process
- Study & re-study with purpose
- Plan, manage, track, and optimize your study time
- Actually show what you know on medical board exams (become a "good" test-taker)
Is ideal for anyone who:
- Has failed their boards multiple times
- Has a large gap to cover in order to pass
- Has concerns about knowledge & test-taking
- Wants to comprehensively fix their prep on the study-based & the test-taking sides of the equation
The STATMed Boards Reboot Camp is well-suited for medical professionals with upcoming board exams like NAVLE, NAPLEX, NBEO, USMLE, or COMLEX, or specialty boards (EM, Peds, IM, Family, etc) among other medical board exams.
In Their Own Words...
ReBoot Camp Success Stories

Our founder Ryan Orwig speaks with JT, an orthopedic surgeon, who shares how the STATMed Doctor Study Skills Course changed the way he prepared for exams. From the importance of frameworking to transforming his study sessions with retrieval practice and managing workflow while studying, JT shares his top three lessons learned on his quest to study more effectively.