The STATMed Boards ReBoot Camp
Our Reboot Camp combines elements from our STATMed Study Skills class and our entire Boards Test-Taking Workshop to address boards prep in 2 ways; the study side and the test-taking side of the equation.
The Boards Reboot Camp was designed for self-identified "bad test-takers" to attack boards prep from all sides.
Click for the Feb '25 ReBoot Camp Schedule >
The STATMED BOARDS REBOOT CAMP completely redesigns how you:
- Re-Study
- Plan, manage, track, and optimize your study time
- Actually show what you know on medical board exams (AKA, become a "good" test-taker)
Feb 8-28th ReBoot Camp, Now Enrolling!
In Their Own Words...
A STATMed ReBoot Camp Success Story
Take A Deeper Dive To Learn All About The STATMed ReBoot Camp
Is the Boards ReBoot Camp for you?
Studying, Timing, And Testing
for Medical Students, Doctors, and Practitioners
The STATMed ReBoot Camp is designed for medical professionals who identify as, "bad test-takers" and need help on the studying AND test-taking side of things.
We help you learn study methods, time management, and how to manage the speed+volume+density equation of medical education. And we help you do more in less time by fixing issues with attention, memory, or productivity during boards study.