What Our Students Say

“I have STATMed to thank for helping me unlock a future I had only imagined.”

On The STATMed Podcast: Back to Class with Dr. Culhane Part 2

On the STATMed Podcast: Study Skills Class Debrief Part 2
Is the STATMed Class for you?
Studying, Timing, and Testing
For Medical Students, Doctors, and Practitioners
The STATMed class is for anyone studying or practicing medicine who wants to learn how to study more effectively and efficiently.
We can help you learn study methods, time management, and how to manage the speed+volume+density equation of medical education. And we help you do more in less time by addressing issues with attention, memory, or productivity in med school or boards study.
We work with:
Med Students
Entering, rising, or repeating classroom learners or those preparing for boards
Doctors prepping for board exams including initial certifications and recertifications
Other Medical Professionals
Pharm D’s, Veterinarians, PAs, Dentists, Physical Therapists, Etc.
What is expected of students?

Instructional Time
1-on-1 Meetings
Real-Time Online Learning Environment
What do students learn?
The STATMed Class teaches students to
Skills we focus on include
- Learning Preconceptions
- Foundational Study Rules
- Frameworking
- Dynamic Reading & Marking
- Visually-Based Mapping
- Memory Palaces
- Retrieval Practice
- Study Skill Assimilation Projects
- Customized Study Process
- Restructured Study Guidelines
- Study Session Efficiency
- Time Management & Maximization Tools
- Micromanagement Tools for Study Agendas
- Maximize Study Breaks & Study Space
- Tracking Study Progress with Study Manager
- Reducing Distractions
- STATMed Question-Reading Method
- Common Test-Taking Mistakes
- Effective Test-Taking Strategies
- Analyzing Missed Questions
- How to Practice and Analyze New Processes Independently
Check out our Boards Workshop for specific training for boards exams.
Pricing includes all instructional materials.
Need a payment plan? Let us know!