Over the past decade, we’ve seen the students and physicians we work with make a lot of mistakes on tests. But we’ve come to realize that the types of mistakes they make are surprisingly consistent. So much so, in fact, that we’ve been able to identify 13 common errors medical students and doctors make that cause them to miss points on board exams and other tests.
Boards Exam Questions: Why You Might Skip Over the Right Answer
This happens with our clients sometimes as they are working with answer sets in their boards exam questions. They will tell me (after having attempted and missed a question) “Answer B is completely true, when I think about it. But it wasn’t what I was looking for!”
STATMed Q&A: Our Theory on How Working Memory Can Cause Smart People to Fail the Boards
In this video interview, STATMed founder Ryan Orwig and instructor David LaSalle discuss a unique theory Ryan has developed over more than a decade spent working with medical students and professionals who’ve failed the boards or other tests.
Have you Failed the Boards?
Have you failed the boards? You’re not alone. Even super-smart med students and doctors often struggle with these tests. In short, bad test-taking is a thing.
“I am so thrilled that I have the tools & newfound skillset to tackle these daunting exams.”
“Last year prior to STATMed, I barely passed my Step 1 exam with a score of 194 (5th percentile). I took Step 2 CK on July 27th and just received my score. I earned a 243 (50th percentile)! I am so thrilled that I have the tools and newfound skillset to tackle these daunting exams. Thank you for your help!” – K.M., University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Don’t Let These 5 Test-Taking Problems Derail You During Medical Boards Exams
Bad test-taking doesn’t make you a bad physician. And it doesn’t need to spell the end of your career.
The Worst Advice EVER for Med Students… Comes from Yoda
One such quote, from the film’s quintessential teacher, is something you’ve probably heard often: “Do or do not. There is no try.” It’s short, it’s memorable. And it’s terrible advice.
“Even when I knew the material backwards and forwards, I often got the wrong answer on a standardized test.”
“As a life long poor test taker, I thought I was was stupid. Even when I knew the material backwards and forwards, I often got the wrong answer on a standardized test. The skills I learned in test taking from the STATMed Boards Workshop changed that. What I know in an exam room can now be demonstrated on an exam!”
Struggling in Med School? Avoid These Common Pitfalls
In this video, we go point by point to help you understand what makes med school so hard so you can head off challenges and overcome them.
Why Reviewing Your Notes is a Terrible Med School Study Strategy — and What You Should Do Instead
Ryan goes over 3 reasons medical students shouldn’t spend time re-reading material & shares a more efficient — and effective – med school study strategy.