STATMed Study Skills Class ApplicationFirst Name *Last Name *Email Address *Phone *How did you hear about STATMed Learning? *Please select oneA dean, advisor or teacher referralClassmate referralColleague referralOnline searchYouTubeSocial mediaStudent Doctor NetworkPodcast episodeBlog postConferenceEmail newsletterOtherPlease select oneDropbox Email Address *School or Residency *Educational Status *Please select oneMedical Student - ClassroomMedical Student - Boards PrepMedical Student - Rotations/ShelvesMedical Student - OtherHealth Science Professional Student (vet, optometry, PA, etc) Pre-med Student - Biomed, Entering Resident Physician Veterinarian Pharm-D Optometrist OtherHealth Science ProfessionalStudent (vet, optometry, PA, etc)Pre-med Student - Biomed, EnteringResidentPhysicianVeterinarianPharm-DOptometristOtherPlease select oneOther relevant info so we can better understand your storyStudy Skills Class ApplicationPre-STATMed Class Learning Preconceptions SurveyPlease take your time and fill out this survey in as much depth as possible; this will prime you for the first STATMed Class lesson and help us start to understand who you are as a learner.1. What is your definition of studying? Don’t cheat! Just write down what you think your personal definition of studying is in med school, for boards, or whatever it is that brings you to The STATMed Class: *2. What study methods have you tried that either used to work but no longer work, or that you have tried but they just don’t work for you now? *3. What are your strengths and weaknesses with regard to time management? Do you keep or have you kept a rigid schedule? If so, how has that worked out for you? *4. Do your study sessions have planned beginnings, middles, and ends? What determines when you are done studying? What determines when you take breaks? What happens on those breaks? *5. What is your experience with lecture-based learning? Do you do anything with the material before lecture? Do you find lecture to be a useful part of your learning process? (We realize not all med schools or board prep programs use lecture-based learning models, so if this is not relevant for you, please explain in your answer) *6. What distractions or interruptions occur during your study sessions, and how frequently do they occur? *7. Do you have trouble prioritizing all of the tasks (study-based and life-based) required of you in a given day or week? What tools or strategies do you use to help with prioritization? *8. What memorization strategies have you applied in your studies, and how have these worked out? *9. What role has CRAMMING played in your life as a student? *10. What role has OVERCOMPENSATING (studying more than your peers/studying “all the time”) played in your life? *11. How does REVIEWING (looking over/re-reading what you have already studied) factor into the way you study/memorize? *12. How do you balance understanding the “big picture” of what you are learning with capturing all of the details? *13. What can you tell us regarding ways you study actively versus ways you study passively? *14. What role does test-taking—which, for STATMed Learning, means accurately showing what you know on boards-style tests—play in your academic performance? *SubmitPlease do not fill in this field.