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In Their Own Words...
After taking the STATMed Boards Workshop for Doctors

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STATMed Instructor Insights
Become A Test-Taking Robot
Our Boards Workshops lead instructor, David, talks about how taking the emotion out of the equation on test day can help maximize your results.
Do any of these sound like you?
I do great clinically, but I can’t translate what I know to exams.
I always narrow it down to two and then pick the wrong one.
I read the explanation and then realize I should have gotten it right.
I miss or distort key clues and don’t trust myself.
My ADHD makes it super-hard to hold onto all the information in a vignette
I’m always running out of time rushing to catch up.
We work with:
Those at a USMLE Step 1 or
COMLEX Level 1 or above.
(If you are a classroom learner,
please look into our
STATMed Study Skills Class)
Doctors prepping for written
board exams, including
in-services, initial
certifications and
Pharm D's, Veterinarians,
Optometrists, PAs, Dentists,
Physical Therapists, etc.
prepping for their written
boards (NAPLEX, NAVLE,
NBEO, etc.)